Why do you need SBC software?

The session border controller, as can be seen above, is multi-functional and absolutely indispensable if your enterprise has VoIP network as part of an overall network. Ca usatimes.cc rriers and VoIP service providers routinely integrate SBCs along with Media Gateways and softswitches. 

Security: Large enterprises cannot afford to compromise on security. Without Controller inse your VoIP.& nbsp; SBC solution provides greater security since it hides internal topology, hides or encrypts SIP headers and makes the internal network o usanews.cc paque to external network. The SBC is responsible for TLS and SRTP encryption that defeats attempts at eavesdropping. 

NAT traversal: Firewalls and internal security or configuration can pose problems for usanews.cc VoIP traffic. Calls may not go through or you may not be able to receive calls due to network address traversal or translation issues. Here again, the session border controller comes to the rescue, seamlessly facilitating NAT. 


Facilitator:  In the beginning there was only voice traffic using established media codecs and protocols. However, today’s world of VoIP traffic is different. You have voice traffic based on a variety of media codecs and protocols with user at one end using a different set and user at the other end using another set. Mismatches can cause poor audio quality or even disallow connection. The SBC software seamlessly takes care of interoperability 

These are the main functions that the SBC carries out. Besides, a well designed and modern SBC solution will take care of:

·         Intelligent call routing and least call routing

·         Integrated billing and accounting if required

·         Seamless integration of a range of devices including mobiles using GSM/LTE technologies

Leaving out the SBC could be a costly decision. A Holmes report states that resultant poor communication costs businesses about $ 37 billion and communication barriers represent a loss of $ 62 million by way of reduced productivity. Should you become the victim of a DoS or ransomware attack the loss to your enterprise could be quite high. 

If you use VoIP in your business set up then make it a point to incluto secure and facilitate VoIP communications. Get it from the right vendor and enjoy peace of mind as well as enhanced productivity.


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